Senin, 23 September 2024

Upacara Bendera MTsN 10 Banyuwangi: Ajak Siswa Menghargai Sesama

MTsN 10 banyuwangi melaksanakan upacara bendera, Senin (23/9). Kelas 9E berkesempatan menjadi petugas upacara. Sementara Diah Rusdiana, guru seni budaya MTsN 10 Banyuwangi menjadi pembina.

Dalam sambutannya ia mengajak para siswa untuk selalu saling menghargai sesama. Selain itu ia juga berpesan agar seluruh siswa bisa memiliki attitude yang baik.   

Lebih lanjut ia menyampaikan,  "Musuh pelajar adalah diri sendiri, banyaknya pikiran yang akan mempengaruhi tindakan serta kebiasaan kita yang akhirnya mempengaruhi kesuksesan."

Upacara diakhiri dengan pemberian piala siswa berprestasi MTsN 10 banyuwangi.  Mereka adalah Jihan Balqis Arrahman lomba Ghina' Arobi juara 1. Mutiara Tsani lomba Qishoh juara 3. Aqilla Zahrany Kirania lomba Muhadoroh juara 3. (vik/zia)


GERBANG MTsN 10 Banyuwangi
Flag Ceremony at MTsN 10 Banyuwangi: Encouraging Students to Appreciate One Another

MTsN 10 Banyuwangi held a flag ceremony on Monday (September 23).

Class 9E had the opportunity to be the ceremony officers. Meanwhile, Diah Rusdiana, the cultural arts teacher at MTsN 10 Banyuwangi, served as the supervisor.

In his speech, he encouraged the students to always respect one another. He also advised that all students should have a good attitude.

Furthermore, he stated, "The enemy of students is themselves; the multitude of thoughts will influence our actions and habits, which ultimately affect our success."

The ceremony concluded with the presentation of trophies to the outstanding students of MTsN 10 Banyuwangi. They are Jihan Balqis Arrahman, who won 1st place in the Ghina' Arobi competition; Mutiara Tsani, who secured 3rd place in the Qishoh competition; and Aqilla Zahrany Kirania, who also took 3rd place in the Muhadoroh competition.

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