Jumat, 20 September 2024

DWP UP MTsN 10 Banyuwangi Ikuti Peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) UP MTsN 10 Banyuwangi ikuti peringatan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW yang di gelar di Masjid Nurul Iman, MTsN 10 Banyuwangi,  Jumat (20/9).

Acara diawali dengan pembacaan ayat suci Al-Qur’an yang syahdu. Dilanjutkan dengan shalawat bersama yang dipimpin oleh Ustadz Afifi Al Madad dari vokal group Ar-Royan.

Sebagai penceramah, panitia mengundang Ustadz H. Andi Hidayat. Dalam tausiyahnya, ia menyampaikan tentang pentingnya meneladani sifat-sifat terpuji Rasulullah SAW dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.

Kepala MTsN 10 Banyuwangi, Sugeng Maryono menyampaikan harapan agar peringatan Maulid ini dapat meningkatkan ukhuwah Islamiyah di antara para anggota DWP. “Semoga dengan peringatan Maulid ini, kita semua semakin dekat dengan Rasulullah SAW dan semakin istiqomah dalam menjalankan perintah-Nya,” ujarnya. (feb/vik)

 GERBANG MTsN 10 Banyuwangi

DWP UP MTsN 10 Banyuwangi Participates in the Commemoration of the Birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW

Dharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) of UP MTsN 10 Banyuwangi participated in the commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, which was held at the Nurul Iman Mosque, MTsN 10 Banyuwangi, on Friday (September 20).

The event began with the recitation of a heartfelt verse from the Holy Qur'an. This was followed by a collective recitation of salawat led by Ustadz Afifi Al Madad from the vocal group Ar-Royan.

As a speaker, the committee invited Ustadz H. Andi Hidayat. In his sermon, he conveyed the importance of emulating the noble qualities of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) in daily life.

The head of MTsN 10 Banyuwangi, Sugeng Maryono, expressed his hope that this Maulid commemoration can enhance Islamic brotherhood among the members of DWP. "May this Maulid celebration bring us closer to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and strengthen our commitment to following His commands," he stated. (feb/vik)

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